Monday, June 27, 2011

Spring Vegetables

One of my goals for this year's garden was to make sure I plant things in time for a Spring garden. Last year, the raised bed was newly built in the beginning of June, which was only early enough to plant summer vegetables: heat-loving tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and tomatillos. I also got in some radishes, beets, carrots, and green onions. And I was really happy with the results: I had enough tomatoes to eat, supply my co-workers, and can over 40 jars of salsa and marinara sauce. I am STILL sick of cucumbers. But, I didn't harvest much of anything until August, when the hot-weather crops really started producing.

This year, I was anxious to get gardening as soon as possible! Early on, I had tomato transplants waiting in the wings; I read gardening books; I laid out garden plans while it was still snowy and cold outside. And now, while my summer garden is just starting to really take off with nice daily growth, blossoms and baby fruits, my spring garden is in peak production/harvest mode. Neat!!

Here are a few pictures of my spring harvests:


Garden Peas

Green Onions

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