Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cabbage Worm

I have 3 collard plants in my garden. 2 of them have been decimated by the cabbage worm. The cabbage worm is a tiny little caterpillar with an AMAZING appetite. Case study:

Collard Plant 1: Healthy
Collard Plant 2: Eaten by Cabbage Worm

Devastating! I even spied a worm in action on my plant. He is camoflaged, but if you look closely you can see him in this picture:

Cabbage Worm on Collard Plant

Apparently, an organic remedy is available to take care of this problem. It's a bacteria called "bacillus thuringiensis", or BT. Benign to humans, pollinators, and beneficial insects ... but deadly to these little worms. A bottle of this product is on its way to me currently, to take care of this problem ...

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