Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm back!

Spring comes pretty late in Upstate NY. This season we had 127 inches of snow. It snowed a few times this week even, and it's nearly May. But winter or not, late April means it's time to start planning my summer garden!

I found a useful chart for when to plant what in my zone:

(Source: , and you can get the calendars for other zones at

So far I've planted peas, beets, radishes and lettuce outside - although the bunnies already ate the tiny lettuce seedlings ... sigh. I also started a few herbs, tomatoes and peppers inside to transplant after the frost-free date. In Zone 5, that's around Memorial Day, although I might try to jump the gun this year with a few of my plants. Last summer, the neighbors were harvesting tomatoes probably a MONTH earlier than I was ... maybe I was a little jealous ;-)

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