Sunday, June 27, 2010

Green onion harvest

I harvested my first round of scallions today:

Yum! That brings my total harvest up to:

16 radishes
9 scallions

Radishes and scallions are all I have for spring vegetables this year, because I started my garden so late and because a hungry groundhog ate all my lettuce ... but I am looking forward to summer harvests: peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, beets, tomatillos, and cucumbers! The plants that are blooming now are:

Bell Boy pepper (70 days)
Early Girl tomato (52 days)
Yellow Pear tomato (75 days)
Tomatillo (60 days)
Cayenne pepper (73 days)

No flowers yet on these:

Ichiban eggplant (60 days)
Gretel eggplant (55 days)
Rutgers tomato (73 days)
Grape tomato (60 days)
Roma tomato (85 days)
California Wonder pepper (70 days)
Double Feature Hybrid Cucumber (50-57 days)

My Roma tomato plants, in particular, have really gotten huge! I am worried about the one-foot spacing. The leaves of adjacent tomato plants are already overlapping and it's only June. The bed is only 3 feet wide, so hopefully that will help with airflow between the plants. Luckily, the eggplants, peppers, radishes, carrots, cucumbers, and onions have all behaved themselves so far and stayed in their respective squares. I suppose I can always prune the tomatoes a bit if they get too out-of-hand.

My herbs are looking pretty happy in the summer sunshine. Here are a few pictures:

My mint plant, which my mum gave me when I first moved into my apartment, and which comes back every year:

A little pot of basil, with rosemary peeking out from the background:

Dill, which took off as soon as the weather warmed up:

and a little bit of cilantro:

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