Monday, July 25, 2011

Peas, done for the season

My first crop of the season - garden peas - were also the first to finish.

The last peas of the season! July 24

The fresh peas were so delicious, and I'm so glad that I grew them this year. I may still try a fall crop, although I hear that fall crops of peas can be hit-or-miss.

Tabasco peppers

Never have I seen a more productive plant than this little Tabasco pepper plant. Those fruits may be small, but there are SO MANY!

Tabasco Peppers, July 24

I think I'll try my hand at making hot sauce once these are harvested. James LOVES hot sauce and puts it on nearly everything he eats!

Collard Greens

I am lucky to have really great neighbors, and while working in my garden I've made a wonderful bunch of "gardening friends" who enjoy sharing tips and tricks. One of my neighbors is also an excellent and generous cook. She prepares authentic "soul food" and Southern recipes, and she promised me that if I grew collard greens, she would teach me how to cook them.

Not wanting to miss out on this offer, I planted a few little collard plants in my bed. After learning the hard way about cabbage worms, the collards really took off and became big and bountiful. And my neighbor came through on her promise and taught me her signature recipe for collard greens (which is so good, her 7-year old grandson has told me it's his "favorite food"!) She even gave me some of her secret ingredient: smoked turkey tails.

Here's yesterday's harvest, making their way into my first "mess o greens"!

Collard greens harvest, July 24

I followed my neighbor's recipe exactly - slow cooking the greens for 3.5 hours - and it came out really well!

Tomatoes turning color!

My tomatoes are LOVING the hot weather and sunshine they've been getting lately, although it's been a challenge to keep them watered when every day has been topping 90 degrees. My first few tomatoes are just starting to blush red:

Park's Whopper starting to turn color, July 24

Here's the whole raised bed garden:

Raised bed garden, July 24

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Green Beans

Loving how prolific my green beans have been.

Green Beans, July 19

I planted 9 bush bean plants per square foot (3x3) - and I was skeptical that they would have enough room - but the plants all seem happy as clams. They do kind of flop over onto the garden path and unoccupied garden areas, but they're growing real well and producing a lot of beans.

Green Bean Harvest, July 22

Tomatillo Harvest

Harvested my first tomatillos yesterday, July 22! Can't wait to make some delicious salsa verde with these:

Tomatillos, July 22

and maybe some of these:

Garden Salsa Hot Peppers, July 19