Thursday, September 16, 2010

More tomato sauce - 9/14/10

This weekend I was away visiting James for the weekend, and I came back to SO many ripe tomatoes:

Made another big batch of sauce, and some salsa ...

Canning supplies ready to go ...

Processing the jars ...


(Salsa are the orangey ones on the left, and the other redder ones are marinara sauce).

First batch of tomato sauce - 9/5/10

10 lbs of tomatoes for sauce ...

Cooking them down ...

Almost done!

Eggplant parm - 9/1/10

Homemade eggplant parmesan ... made with roasted Ichiban and Gretel eggplants, served with garden tomato&cucumber salad:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lots of tomatoes

I've been harvesting tomatoes like crazy! Here's the harvest from Sunday:

I made a fresh tomato salsa with part of the harvest ... entirely from the garden with fresh cilantro, jalapenos, and tomatoes. Yum!


Made a batch of refrigerator Dill Pickles with vinegar, water, spices, fresh dill, onions, garlic, ... and of course my surplus of cucumbers! Mmmm...